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45 Years At NADA….And Counting


We had a rule in our house growing up—my brothers and I could accompany my father to the National Automobile Dealers Association once we turned 10 years old.

It was tough for me to wait until I was 10. As the youngest of four boys, I saw the spoils from the exhibit hall floor my brothers would bring home, and heard sNADA2014tories of all the cool things they saw at the convention. I remember being particularly excited about my 10th birthday because I knew that, in a few weeks, I’d be going to my first NADA convention.

This year, 45 years later, I pretty much feel the same way I did as a 10 year-old-kid. I’m excited to spend time with dealers at the conference and can’t wait to see what new products (and cool take-home stuff) await at the exhibit hall. I’m also charged up to get new ideas and learn new things as I visit with dealers and take in NADA’s top-notch roster of workshop speakers.

For me, NADA has always been a time to recharge, reflect and renew my passion for the car business, its challenges, its opportunities and its people. This year is no different.

I’ll be spending a lot of time at vAuto’s booth (#2318) and, if you’re at NADA, I invite you to stop by and say hello.

I’ll also do my best to capture key take-aways from each day at the convention and share them here. Stay tuned and have a productive and successful NADA 2014 convention.


The post 45 Years At NADA….And Counting appeared first on Dale Pollak.