New vAuto web address coming soon!

Google Chrome has announced it will be blocking third-party cookies beginning January 4, 2024.

To ensure your vAuto user experience remains seamless when Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge begins blocking third-party cookies, we will begin migrating all vAuto solutions to a new web domain and URLs in the coming weeks.

Learn more about how to ensure no disruption to your vAuto experience.

Here’s How to Re-Enable Third-Party Cookies:

Note: If you are having issues reenabling via the address bar, please try updating via your browser settings here.

Take Action In January:

  • Please update your Chrome browser. If using an older version, you may experience issues with Multi-Factor Authentication due to the removal of third-party cookies from our solutions.
  • If your dealership uses a domain whitelist to manage your web traffic, please add this new domain,, to ensure continued seamless access.
    • Consider adding “” to your approved whitelists to cover all Cox Automotive solutions.

What This Means For You:

  • You should expect no changes to your user experience, including navigation between or within our vAuto or Cox Automotive solutions, other than accessing our solutions on the new domain.
  • Please note the previous web address will also begin redirecting to our new URLs on the domain once the migration is complete.
  • If you experience any issues with our vAuto suite of applications during this transition, please consider temporarily re-enabling third-party cookies for our sites.

If you have questions, please contact